Forums - How do you guys play a Cable vs. Cable fight? Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- How do you guys play a Cable vs. Cable fight? ( Posted by CaliFlower on 06:30:2001 07:25 PM: How do you guys play a Cable vs. Cable fight? I personally think this is one of the most psychologically demanding fights that exists in MVC2. So how do you go about it? Well, what I do is I test the water. I superjump up and see if my opponent follows. You know, that kind of stuff. I jump and fierce a bit. Sometimes, I actually wait for my opponent to land from a superjump, do fierce*4XXVB and see if he can counter it. If he can't, I keep doing this, in hopes that he will follow, then I counter with a "tiger knee" AHVB. I don't usually throw any grenades because they are easily countered by an AHVB. Oh, I have a question too! After you do a s. rh to ur opposing Cable, can he counter with an AHVB?? I'm not sure! Anyway, how do u guys play this fight out? I'm kinda curious to find out! Posted by n817azn on 06:30:2001 07:38 PM: Cable vs. Cable fights are usually the most boring fights there are. sj. then fp and grenades one against the other usually the first one to get caught in a mistake is the one who loses.And if you do that fp x 4 vb and your opponet knows how to counter with ahvb and if he has meters then your already dead ahvb x 3. That is a stupid risk to take if you ask me. And yes if you don't do anything after the s.rh kick it can be countered easily with ahvb. Most fierce hits can be. I think its the best when you hit 'em with the fp during a sj. then cancel immediately into a ahvb. n8 Posted by CaliFlower on 06:30:2001 07:46 PM: quote: Cable vs. Cable fights are usually the most boring fights there are. sj. then fp and grenades one against the other usually the first one to get caught in a mistake is the one who loses.And if you do that fp x 4 vb and your opponet knows how to counter with ahvb and if he has meters then your already dead ahvb x 3. That is a stupid risk to take if you ask me. And yes if you don't do anything after the s.rh kick it can be countered easily with ahvb. Most fierce hits can be. I think its the best when you hit 'em with the fp during a sj. then cancel immediately into a ahvb. n8 I dunno about the sj'ing and fierce cause the other Cable can sj at u and do an AHVB. I dunno about the grenades either, cause those have long ass lag. And about the rh, I've heard that it puts ur opponent in a long block stun, so it can't be countered from a good range. I think that's why Storm and Cable's rh kicks are considered safe...I believe I heard Viscant saying this, but don't quote me. I agree that these fights are REALLY boring...but they're also the most challenging. I think the most important thing u can do is stay in the sj area of the screen, cause that's where Cable can only do 1 AHVB. Also, I think if u have assists, Cable can be somewhat harrased...for example, let's say I'm playing Storm-A/Doom-B/Cable-A (one of my main teams)...if I'm at point w/Cable, I can drop Doom, sj. up and the other Cable can either 1) AHVB Doom if I haven't reached his other side yet or 2) Sj with me and leave Doom safe or 3) have an AAA like CapCom which brings me back down, and he proceeds to AHVB Doom with me in block stun...but 3) doesn't really happen that often... Posted by waldo98 on 06:30:2001 08:10 PM: Cable vs. Cable fights get pretty boring. One mistake can kill you, literally. Most of the time, both people are turtling and just constantly poking at each other. Throwing out moves at random will only lead someone to eat AHVB. Posted by n817azn on 06:30:2001 08:20 PM: quote: Cable vs. Cable fights get pretty boring. One mistake can kill you, literally. Most of the time, both people are turtling and just constantly poking at each other. Throwing out moves at random will only lead someone to eat AHVB. Exactly!!! When i was talking about those moves i wasn't saying just throw them out whenever.....Its all about timing hence the reasoning that once you make a mistake your dead. Oh and a perfectly timed fp at sj. height can knock cable out of Ahvb. But i use his fp all the time against cable in the sj. and it works but i'm not gonna lie sometimes i get caught and get blasted. Like i said usually the first one to strike wins. I've done ahvb on a many a fierce punch,kick blocks but as for cable i'm not totally positive but i'll try it later and figure it out, and we'll see if your right. n8 Posted by n817azn on 06:30:2001 08:36 PM: Ok i'm sorry to say that you were wrong about cables s.rh. not being ahvb able. It does put you in block stun for quite awhile but it does leave a little opportunity for ahvb but your timing has to be dead on. The first couple times i tried it i couldn't get it to work, but then after about the 5th try i got it, its not that hard. So theres the answer to that question--> yes you can ahvb cables azz after his s.rh kick. n8 Posted by Aoishi2AL on 06:30:2001 08:41 PM: I use combos if I can and I go pixie on the opposing Cable. I also throw alot. That usually makes them mad and they use an assist while I ahvb x 4 to kill the assist. Posted by CaliFlower on 06:30:2001 11:23 PM: quote: Ok i'm sorry to say that you were wrong about cables s.rh. not being ahvb able. It does put you in block stun for quite awhile but it does leave a little opportunity for ahvb but your timing has to be dead on. The first couple times i tried it i couldn't get it to work, but then after about the 5th try i got it, its not that hard. So theres the answer to that question--> yes you can ahvb cables azz after his s.rh kick. n8 So how far away was Cable doing his s. rh?? Cause I also said that a certain distance has to be used for the s. rh to be non-counterable...same thing applies to Storm. This is so because if u do the s. rh up close, the stun block is over before Cable retracts his foot, but if done from far away, something happens, and its harder to counter...i think?? Anyway, thx for the test, next time some Cable does that to me, I'll AHVB that shit... Posted by CaliFlower on 06:30:2001 11:26 PM: quote: I use combos if I can and I go pixie on the opposing Cable. I also throw alot. That usually makes them mad and they use an assist while I ahvb x 4 to kill the assist. I'm just wondering dude, how exactly do u go pixie w/o doing something that will be AHVB-punishable?? And about the throwing, I have to admit that when I play w/Cable, I tend to air throw a lot, just because his air throw is pretty dominant. Posted by CaliFlower on 06:30:2001 11:30 PM: quote: Exactly!!! When i was talking about those moves i wasn't saying just throw them out whenever.....Its all about timing hence the reasoning that once you make a mistake your dead. Oh and a perfectly timed fp at sj. height can knock cable out of Ahvb. But i use his fp all the time against cable in the sj. and it works but i'm not gonna lie sometimes i get caught and get blasted. Like i said usually the first one to strike wins. I've done ahvb on a many a fierce punch,kick blocks but as for cable i'm not totally positive but i'll try it later and figure it out, and we'll see if your right. n8 I was wondering about something else too...can u AHVB an opposing Cable after u block his sj fierce??? I know that I've been hit by a j. fierce while i do my AHVB, but I'm not sure if I've ever countered after a blocked one...same thing goes for blocking an air seems that I have a hard time countering an air VB w/AHVB...i dunno why? Posted by n817azn on 07:01:2001 12:18 AM: I think that it depends on the vb whether it is a fp or lp one. Even at sj. height if your opponet shoots a hp. vb then you can counter it with a ahvb GUARENTEED!!! It doesn't matter where they're at you can ALWAYS do it. The lp one is really quick so i'm not sure if you can or not. I know that my friend has shot me with the lp one while i was blocking and i tried to AHVB but he was able to block but this was only a few instances so i don't know for sure. As for the sj.fierce i don't know i've never tried that one but i don't think so. If the gun hits you i believe it puts you in block stun just long enough for cable to recover but like i said i'm not positive. I know that you can do an ahvb on the ground when he shoots you but in the air its different. Posted by Nine Inch Nails on 07:01:2001 01:45 AM: Another interesting thing: If Cable does a ground fierce viper beam at you, and your cable is on the ground blocking, it's possible, although highly difficult, to tiger-knee AHVB his shit as soon as he's finished before he can recover. It's hard, you have to be fast as fuck and the timing is horrendous (so you don't push block) but it's possible, we've done it on several occasions. We being the SPC. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:01:2001 02:08 AM: Cable vs. Cable this is the most boring fight in the game, second only to Blackheart vs. Blackheart. If I'm playing my Cable against another one(rarely happens) I usually jump at him with roundhouses. I also try to anticipate when he jumps and j. fierce to guardbreak him into AHVB. Other than that, I usually just poke at him, and wait for HIM to make a mistake and then punish him with AHVB. Posted by n817azn on 07:01:2001 02:13 AM: quote: Another interesting thing: If Cable does a ground fierce viper beam at you, and your cable is on the ground blocking, it's possible, although highly difficult, to tiger-knee AHVB his shit as soon as he's finished before he can recover. It's hard, you have to be fast as fuck and the timing is horrendous (so you don't push block) but it's possible, we've done it on several occasions. er?? This is not hard at all, i do it everytime and i mean everytime someone tries to hp vb me on the ground, thats one of the easiest counters. I think that the main reason it wasn't mentioned b4 was cuz it was a given already. In my arcade you are severly punished for doing sh*t like that. The great thing about is that newbies don't understand why they can't block which i think is just hillarious and they're all like "man WTF i'm blockin!!" then it is my extreme pleasure to tell them "you can't block it!!ha!ha!" n8 Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 03:19 AM: quote: er?? This is not hard at all, i do it everytime and i mean everytime someone tries to hp vb me on the ground, thats one of the easiest counters. I think that the main reason it wasn't mentioned b4 was cuz it was a given already. In my arcade you are severly punished for doing sh*t like that. The great thing about is that newbies don't understand why they can't block which i think is just hillarious and they're all like "man WTF i'm blockin!!" then it is my extreme pleasure to tell them "you can't block it!!ha!ha!" Yeah, that's what I was gonna say! I was like "huh? it's hard to AHVB a blocked fierce VB???!!", that's the easiest shit to AHVB. That's why I love Ironman and Warmachine...their jab unibeam and shoulder cannons are SOOO fast that nobody can punish a blocked one...I love playing IronMan-A/Doom-B/Cable-A, bringing out Doom AAA while rushing with IM and covering Doom's ass with a jab's great, case its the ultimate assist protector!! quote: If I'm playing my Cable against another one(rarely happens) I usually jump at him with roundhouses. I also try to anticipate when he jumps and j. fierce to guardbreak him into AHVB. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. What happens is that when I play my friends with Cable, we both just jump at each other with rh and always, one of us gets thrown...hardly ever any techs.. Yeah, and usually, we follow up with fierce VB, but we always forget to punish that shit, AHVB style! I guess we're too busy throwing shit around... Posted by NerenatwaH on 07:01:2001 04:14 AM: Well I never really use Cable, unless I'm using Cable/Storm teams, or Spiral, but I rarely use her. Anyways, most Cables usually have a hard time against rushdown. So I do that. Like I said I use Cable/Storm teams so this helps a lot for rushing down. I just s.hpx4 while calling Storm, then I dash do a,>>s.hpx4->Storm, blah blah blah. Usually they catch on to it which I then switch my strategies to offensive turtling (basically rushing in and blocking at the right moment, stuff that you see in 3rd Strike), wait till he calls out an assist or whatever, and call my Cyclops (if Cable doesn't have anybars) or Cammy (when my team gets killed and Cyclops can't counter it) after that AHVB. I also do the classic sj.fp->grenade. Posted by LynX on 07:01:2001 06:11 AM: hmm If he stays on the ground when you sj. it may be an idea to throw a grenade to get him to stand still ... Rushdown can be an option if your opponent doesn't know that you use this tactic. It can infact be very suprising. Another cool thing to do if you know that you're gonna win are to use his pistol (isn't it HP ?) like this (only works if his hit by the first pistol shots): hp, hp, hp, psimitar (well, we all have different words fot that attack, the trick here is that THIS is the launcher to: (so don't be too close)), AHVB x3 .... This requires a helluva speed and control to make him go into the AHVB, but is very nice when it works, so take the chance That's it for now, and if you fail with the pistol, be ready to pay a high price Posted by n817azn on 07:01:2001 03:32 PM: quote: Yeah, that's what I was gonna say! I was like "huh? it's hard to AHVB a blocked fierce VB???!!", that's the easiest shit to AHVB. That's why I love Ironman and Warmachine...their jab unibeam and shoulder cannons are SOOO fast that nobody can punish a blocked one...I love playing IronMan-A/Doom-B/Cable-A, bringing out Doom AAA while rushing with IM and covering Doom's ass with a jab's great, case its the ultimate assist protector!! Yup i use iron man too, he's my overall best character and that unibeam sh*t is tight, well just so long as Cable gets the block stun, if he jumps over the beam then IM gets a ahvb to the face which can really suck. Oh and hey man u can also use the FP unibeam and still be able to block also, IM recovers that quick after his unibeam. I do it all the time, and the good thing is that most cable players think that they can ahvb him after it so they keep on wastin' meters which is a big help to win matches. n8 Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:01:2001 03:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower I'm just wondering dude, how exactly do u go pixie w/o doing something that will be AHVB-punishable?? And about the throwing, I have to admit that when I play w/Cable, I tend to air throw a lot, just because his air throw is pretty dominant. Don't throw any fp or rk and you'll be fine. Cable has the overlooked fact that he can air combo...just rush down sj. jp lk jp lk ahvbx1. That's it. If you don't use fierce buttons or specials then you aren't cannot fodder. And do not ahvb there assist unless you are sure you can kill him. ahvb punishable usually works on fierces and long lag moves, most of anyones jab or shorts are really like 2 frames. Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 04:33 PM: quote: Yup i use iron man too, he's my overall best character and that unibeam sh*t is tight, well just so long as Cable gets the block stun, if he jumps over the beam then IM gets a ahvb to the face which can really suck. Oh and hey man u can also use the FP unibeam and still be able to block also, IM recovers that quick after his unibeam. I do it all the time, and the good thing is that most cable players think that they can ahvb him after it so they keep on wastin' meters which is a big help to win matches. n8 Yo, that's cool that u use IM, i think he's hot shit... You know something sad though?? I found out a couple of days ago that you CAN do an AHVB after a blocked fierce friend did it to me and I was like wtF??? I thought u couldn't do tht shit? Oh well, I guess I'll be sticking to jab ones... Posted by Kao_ Ryuu on 07:01:2001 04:35 PM: hmmmm... i play lots of croos up, but a;ways very aware of AAA. I play close, because he is weak close. Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 04:37 PM: quote: Don't throw any fp or rk and you'll be fine. Cable has the overlooked fact that he can air combo...just rush down sj. jp lk jp lk ahvbx1. That's it. If you don't use fierce buttons or specials then you aren't cannot fodder. And do not ahvb there assist unless you are sure you can kill him. ahvb punishable usually works on fierces and long lag moves, most of anyones jab or shorts are really like 2 frames. Yeah, ur right...but I dunno bout that ac cause i've tried it before, and it seems that the only way i can get it to work is sj(jab, short, short grenade, AHVB)...or sometimes i just sj straight up XX AHVB... I heard from Viscant that ppl like OR can combo u after a blocked Cable forward or strong punch...thats sick AND scary! Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:01:2001 04:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower Yeah, ur right...but I dunno bout that ac cause i've tried it before, and it seems that the only way i can get it to work is sj(jab, short, short grenade, AHVB)...or sometimes i just sj straight up XX AHVB... I heard from Viscant that ppl like OR can combo u after a blocked Cable forward or strong punch...thats sick AND scary! Well while superjumping hold back while performing the combo. That'll get the ahvb to hit. Because if you do the ahvb or hvb from to close the beam won't hit. Go figure. Kao: yup aaa eats him. But sometimes you have to switch strategies and usually if your fighting against another Cable they either have Cyclops aaa or Capcom aaa. Not really death defying like Psylocke aaa but dangerous none the less. Posted by ytwojay on 07:01:2001 05:10 PM: hey CaliFlower, when you originally posted this, you were talking about cable vs cable without assists, right? Posted by Kao_ Ryuu on 07:01:2001 05:14 PM: wow, my spelling sucked in that post... Posted by n817azn on 07:01:2001 05:17 PM: quote: Yo, that's cool that u use IM, i think he's hot shit... You know something sad though?? I found out a couple of days ago that you CAN do an AHVB after a blocked fierce friend did it to me and I was like wtF??? I thought u couldn't do tht shit? Oh well, I guess I'll be sticking to jab ones... Really ?? He got it off on you like that.Mmmmmhhhh, i guess there must be a little window of opportunity then on that also. I do it all the time and people try to do the ahvb but it never gets me. Oh well i'll keep on doin it until someone blasts my sh*t then i'll quit. Cuz the fierce one takes off good chip damage!! n8 Posted by ytwojay on 07:01:2001 05:28 PM: lets say that my opponent assumes that after my fp, i wont do anything, and he plans to counter with AHVB. if I fp x4, xx scimitar xx AHVB, will it catch him while he tries to AHVB me or will i get caught because i am doing more stuff before i try to AHVB? Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 06:15 PM: quote: hey CaliFlower, when you originally posted this, you were talking about cable vs cable without assists, right? Yes, i was talking about cable vs. cable, no assists. Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 06:20 PM: quote: Really ?? He got it off on you like that.Mmmmmhhhh, i guess there must be a little window of opportunity then on that also. I do it all the time and people try to do the ahvb but it never gets me. Oh well i'll keep on doin it until someone blasts my sh*t then i'll quit. Cuz the fierce one takes off good chip damage!! n8 Y, i know exactly what u mean...if ppl can't counter ur shit, why play safe?? lol... that's my mentality... Anyway, yeah, i love the chip caused by fierce unibeam...especially when i do fierce unibeam, Doom AAA, fierce unibeam...mad chip damage! Posted by CaliFlower on 07:01:2001 06:23 PM: quote: lets say that my opponent assumes that after my fp, i wont do anything, and he plans to counter with AHVB. if I fp x4, xx scimitar xx AHVB, will it catch him while he tries to AHVB me or will i get caught because i am doing more stuff before i try to AHVB? You won't get caught, because the combo u mentioned IS indeed a combo, so they're in block stun all this time, up until the finish of the dont worry, it's safe...just make sure u do the shit like a combo, NO DELAYS! Posted by Geronimo on 07:01:2001 06:39 PM: Play carefully, dont make stupid mistakes, and be even more careful about throwing out viper beams(fp OR wp) at regular j. height cuz that can earn you a AHVB up the ass. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:54 PM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.